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  • Ashampoo Office 9 Ashampoo Office 9

Ashampoo Office 9

Vue générale rapide

Disponibilité: En stock

Prix normal 69,99 €

Special Price 30,99 €


Official Download: Please Click Here

Note: It is recommended that you first create and sign in to your personal software account and then bind the license key to your account to activate the software on your device, so that you can reset and reactivate it directly from your software account when you change to a new device in the future.

Create documents, spreadsheets and presentations with great ease–and excellent compatibility!

We've all seen Microsoft Office alternatives in the past but never one that is so affordable and greatly compatible with Microsoft document formats past and present. An office suite without compromise, without a lengthy training period, Ashampoo Office 9 lets you create documents, spreadsheets and presentations faster than ever before. It has all the options and comfort you'd expect from a modern Office suite. And Ashampoo Office 9 doesn't save your files in some online cloud service but where they belong: on your PC! It's the Office suite you've always wanted!

Use it on up to 5 PCs in your household
If you use Ashampoo Office at home, you can run it on up to 5 PCs! A single license is enough to provide your entire family with a powerful office suite! If you use it commercially though, it's one license per installation.

  1. Space-efficient PDFs with auto-scaling
  2. Auto-corrections of common typos for various languages
  3. Additional list view in "New document" dialog box
  4. Different formatting options for pasted clipboard content
  5. Insert WEBP images
  6. Improved spellcheck handling
  7. Easily edit grouped objects
  8. Display full document path in title bar
  9. Direct input of hex values for Unicode characters
  10. Auto-suggestions for hyperlink insertion
  11. Improved dark mode with dark sidebars
  12. Dark mode auto-toggle based on Windows settings
  13. Share documents with Windows apps
  14. Undo individual steps during text replacement
  15. File attributes like "Compressed", "Icon position on desktop" and "Owner" preserved during saving
  16. Elegant Windows 11 style

Excellent word processing: Ashampoo Write
A plethora of new features are available with our Microsoft Word substitute: Use the Ctrl key to select multiple non-contiguous text ranges, compare two documents side by side, and take advantage of improved document change tracking! Make sure your readers have the complete experience even if they don't have the fonts installed by including them in your documents! The new Book layout allows for easy rotatable table cells, right-alignable list numbering, and the display of a document's first page on the right in two-page view. It is now possible to quickly create dummy texts and filter character and paragraph styles with ease. What are you waiting for? The best alternative to Word has just improved.

Powerful spreadsheet processing: Ashampoo Calculate

  1. Import and export SQLite databases
  2. Sort by color (cell color and font color)
  3. Filter by color with AutoFilter
  4. Support for custom date order in CSVs (DMY, MDY, YMD)
  5. Dynamic cell-based chart titles, axis titles and data labels
  6. Custom decimal and thousands separators for CSV files
  7. Link texts in AutoShapes to table cells
  8. Convenient Formula ribbon tab with recalculation options
  9. Sort pivot tables with user-defined lists

Calculate is the perfect replacement for Excel! Naturally, our spreadsheet application is greatly compatible with all Excel documents. That means no learning curve, no conversion, even for the latest file formats. Version 9 can import and export SQLite databases and offers more flexible handling of CSV files. Smart auto-filters help you sift through data by color and chart titles and labels can now be auto-generated based on cell data, just like texts in AutoShapes. Recalculations are a piece of cake with the Formula ribbon tab, and neither is sorting through custom lists in pivot tables! Make the switch to Calculate and work with all popular formats today. You won't regret it!

Ashampoo Office 9

Stunning presentations: Ashampoo Present
With easy handling and intuitive UI design, Present is the go-to replacement for PowerPoint. Version 9 features all-purpose dynamic slide transitions that are greatly compatible with PowerPoint! Now, your presentations also work on Linux, complete with sounds and videos. There is now an element for rotating table cells on the Table ribbon and fullscreen mode is more versatile thanks to togglable rulers. Create stunning and informative presentations without effort and enjoy great compatibility with MS PowerPoint!

  1. Word processing made perfect: Ashampoo Write
  2. Select multiple non-contiguous text ranges with the Ctrl key
  3. Easy two-document comparison with synchronous scrolling
  4. Embedded font support for TMDX and DOCX files
  5. Document-embedded fonts so recipients don't need to have them installed
  6. Display deletions in comments pane with change tracking enabled
  7. New Book layout with first page on the right in two-page view
  8. Filter paragraph and character styles by "All styles", "Styles in use" and "Styles in document"
  9. Rotate table cells with Table ribbon tab
  10. Displace whitespaces as dots for all Unicode variants
  11. Numbered lists with leading zeros
  12. Right-aligned list numbering
  13. Quickly create dummy texts

Write is the modern Microsoft Word alternative that lets you create and edit documents of any size, from greeting cards, business letters and brochures to your entire thesis. With miniature page previews and a clickable table of contents, you'll never lose track of your documents! The unique object mode allows you to freely place graphics, drawings and texts in your document, while the real-time word counter ensures you'll hit your target document length to a T. For experts, we've included SQLite and dBase support as well as bulk printing for XLSX files. Microsoft Word-compatible footnotes and endnotes within the same document enable high-level professional working. And because Write reads and writes DOCX natively, your documents are always compatible with all versions of Microsoft Word. Not only can you easily print your finished documents but also distribute them as PDFs or ebooks.

Excellent spreadsheet processing: Ashampoo Calculate

Creating complex calculations and charts in spreadsheets can be a hassle: Ashampoo Office 9's Calculate makes it fun and engaging. From simple timetables to complex corporate financial documentation, Calculate is a drop-in Excel replacement with all the features and none of the inconsistencies. It features instant syntax highlighting and formula validation to help you spot errors in seconds. With over 350 calculations, easy table handling and support for giant datasheets with millions of entries, Calculate 9 is ideal for any spreadsheet task. Pro-level features, like pivot tables, will satisfy even the most advanced of users. And printouts of finished spreadsheets are exceptionally easy to prepare, thanks to the new page break preview. Calculate 9 uses the XLSX file format, the same format used by Microsoft Excel!

  1. Engaging presentations: Ashampoo Present
  2. New dynamic PowerPoint-compatible slide transitions
  3. Linux support for audio and video elements in presentations
  4. Element to rate table cells on Table ribbon tab
  5. Toggle rulers in fullscreen mode

Present is the powerful alternative to PowerPoint that creates convincing presentations and self-contained documents playable on any PC without extra software. With stunning animations, smooth slide transitions, and a flexible master slide system, Present handles all your needs. Easily create master layouts, add placeholders, and ensure a consistent, professional look with PowerPoint compatibility. Ready-made templates simplify your work, and you can enhance presentations with graphics, charts, sounds, videos, and animations. The Media ribbon tab makes managing objects easy, and since Present uses PPTX, your projects are instantly compatible with PowerPoint.

Adjustable user interface: classic look or ribbon style

With Ashampoo Office 9, you can choose between a classic menu or a modern ribbon interface. The classic menu is still available for those who prefer it, while the ribbon interface offers faster navigation and better visual clarity. It organizes functions logically and provides quick access to features. You can also access all features through menus in ribbon mode, making the switch easy. Whether you prefer tradition or modern design, Ashampoo Office 9 suits your style!

Seamlessly switch between MS Office and Ashampoo Office!

Skip bothersome imports and exports: Ashampoo Office uses Microsoft's DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX formats as standard! Even mail merges are now supported for XLSX. Switch seamlessly between Ashampoo Office and Microsoft Office and get the best of both worlds, even with Office 2019 or Office 365. Your documents are now fully interchangeable and editable by you or others without loss of content or formatting!

Purchase the Office suite for an unbeatable price and get excellent performance! Purchase once, utilize forever!

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